“Nouturnio” is an old Galician word
that refers to the night. It is a variant of
nocturno, which arises from the vocalization of the consonant C in U,
nouturno, a term of which the variant
nouturnio appears and which has been
used by authors such as Álvaro Cunqueiro (in his works Amabres lúas nouturnias
in Cantiga Nova, or Nouturnio amante en
rocas sin aramios in Poemas do si e non), Curros Enríquez (in his poem Nouturnio) and
Otero Pedrayo (in his work Nouturnias Sirtes) to refer to the night.
Starting from a theoretical dissertation that proposes a distinction of the
night as something more than a natural
cycle, and considering it as a configuration of space and time full of subjectivity, the photographic project Nouturnio
presents a visual exploration of a dark
and subjective nature manifested at dusk
through forms that play with the abstraction and unrealization of the natural space
Ernesto Sábato, in the section “Thought and Novel” of his work Heterodoxia says
that “the novel is the nocturnal one and,
consequently, what authentically we are”.
If the being and the
nocturnal are the same thing, they
complement and recreate each other.
The night is immense, immeasurable, and
opposite to the denotable clarity of the
day, with a dark and poetic essence that,
in the images of this photographic work, is
presented with the intention of endowing
nature with a magical character and
symbolism, with a subjectivity in its environment. it allows the viewer to travel to
an imaginary and dreamlike space, facing
the barriers of what is real and objective
through photographs that vibrate like in a